Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What is Edmodo?

Several of our upper grade classrooms are using Edmodo this year, and some of you have been asking, "What IS Edmodo??"

wiki.answers says:

"Edmodo is a social networking site made for communication between teachers and students.  It operates a lot like Facebook, with wall posts, status updates, and the like.  You can even pass in homework on it.

It is completely safe for kids to use.  A 6 character code that is known only to students and teacher is required to access a "classroom", and any unauthorized person caught inside can be prosecuted.

In short, a wonderful classroom resource."

In addition to posting homework and discussing projects, edmodo allows teachers to interact with students, academically, outside of the classroom.  One Community teacher, for example, posts "challenge questions" and gives a prize to the first student with the correct response.

Edmodo has the added benifit of being a great way to introduce kids to social networks in a safe, supervised environment.